Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Escapade Américaine

Champagne, live music and jamm session, in which I participated, made the vernissage a "happening event" Wednesday, August 18th at Le 59 Rivoli in Paris. Natalie, student and fan, asked me how does one jamm with musicians just met? The answer is in my book of top tips for singers now in the works.  
See vernissage info below:   
“Escapade Américaine”
Kristin Eager KILLION l Françoise EVRARD l Michel de MARMONT

Exposition du 17 Août au 5 Septembre 2010

le vendredi 3 septembre 2010 à partir de 18 heures


59, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris
Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 13h à 20h, le samedi de 11h à 20h (fermé le lundi)

If you miss the exposition, catch up with Kristin Eager Killion of Keager Design-sustainable art: at and check out Kristen's  recycled art creations like earrings from champagne bottle caps.


1 comment:

Bernadette Martin said...

I went to this vernissage as well and saw Manda sing....what a PRO! She was jiven with this hot band that she had just met....she sang Route 66... adding her signature scat and unique version. Kristen's art was the way she "re-purposes" found objects...that means stuff found on the street. Had a great time except somebody stole my crutches!!! Long story but did need them for a few more days. Bernadette Martin