Friday, July 4, 2008


In a fit of temper brought on by our car stalling, my husband tried to push the car. Result: he tore his Achilles Tendon. Ouch. Naive as we were, we both thought he'd be back at work in a few days. Wrong.
After an operation he is now in a cast for two months and I'm in the position of caregiving for the first time in my life.

So what does it entail? As my sister-in-law commented, "Oh yeah, lots of takeout food". Well, I'm trying not to fall into that habit although I must say that we're eating small frozen pizza tarts at least once a week. The rest of the time I'm learning culinary skills in trying to serve nutritious and interesting food. I find that my husband who always has a healthy appetite has now turned into one yawning mouth. I discovered a great recipe for eggplant last week so we have that dish once a week. Also found a recipe on the net from Dr. Ben Kim for zucchini spaghetti. Nothing lasts forever and he'll be out of the cast and back on his feet in August. We already cancelled our August vacation because of his reeducation.

I remember the good old days BTA (before the accident) when he cooked dinner and we both shopped for food, etc. etc. Now it's cooking two meals a day, food shopping practically every day, taking down the garbage, watching the dishes pile up in the sink, and etc. etc.

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